"Chemical approaches to sorting out protein post-translational modifications"


Event details

Date 20.04.2017
Hour 16:15
Speaker Philip Cole, Professor and Director of the Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences at Johns Hopkins University Medical School.
Category Conferences - Seminars
Philip A. Cole obtained his BA summa cum laude from Yale University and his MD degree and a PhD in bio-organic chemistry from Johns Hopkins University. His research uses chemical approaches to study cell signal transduction hormonal control of circadian rhythm and gene regulation. In addition, his lab is interested in understanding the basis for molecular recognition of protein kinases and the mechanism and inhibition of melatonin production via a new protein engineering method called expressed protein ligation. His lab has also developed selective HAT (histone acetyltransferase) and demethylase inhibitors to investigate the role of the protein acetylation and methylation. 

Philip Cole will be our next speaker at the NCCR Chemical Biology lecture series. 

More information Philip Cole profile

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