MTEI Seminar by Prof. Liliana Doganova, Mines ParisTech


Event details

Date 15.06.2015
Hour 12:0013:30
Speaker Prof. Liliana Doganova, Mines ParisTech
Category Conferences - Seminars
« The performativity of valuation devices: business models and the renewal of markets »


Business models operate as valuation devices. They delineate projections of future value and stir the imagination of investors. It is through an examination of the performative capacities of business models that one can understand why and how come considerable flows of money can be put in motion way before the existence of any proper business. We aim at refining this understanding through a focus on the role of business models in the configuration of an encounter between the agents through the conjunction of which business is supposed to come into being: the entrepreneur and the investor. Through an analysis of two widely praised "success stories" -- Google and Genentech -- we characterize the singular form of valuation that springs in this encounter and capture it through the notion of capitalization devices: i.e., valuation devices that make things valuable through the process of transforming them in objects of investment.