Robustness of distributed frequency control in modern power systems: Time delays & dynamic communication topology


Event details

Date 19.05.2017
Hour 10:1511:15
Speaker Johannes Schiffer, University of Leeds, UK
Category Conferences - Seminars
Abstract: Frequency control is one of the most relevant control applications in power systems. Traditionally, this task has been carried out on the high-voltage transmission system by using large fossil-fueled power plants as actuators. Yet, the increasing penetration of distributed renewable generation interfaced to the network via power inverters renders these conventional schemes inaproppriate, creating a clear need for robust and distributed solutions that actively integrate generation units on the lower voltage levels. Thus far, the literature on distributed frequency control has primarily focused on disturbance rejection, steady-state optimality and adaption to complex physical system models without considering uncertainties on the cyber and communication layer nor their effect on robustness and performance. In the present talk, sufficient delay-dependent conditions for robust stability with respect to heterogeneous delays, link failures and packet losses will be provided via the Lyapunov-Krasovskii method. The efficacy of the proposed conditions is illustrated by numerical examples.

Bio: Johannes Schiffer received his Diploma degree in Engineering Cybernetics from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 2009 and a Ph.D. degree (Dr.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering from TU Berlin, Germany, in 2015. Currently, he is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK. Prior to that, he has held appointments as research associate in the Control Systems Group (2011 - 2015) and at the Chair of Sustainable Electric Networks and Sources of Energy (2009 - 2011) both at TU Berlin. His current research interests include distributed control and analysis of complex networks with application to microgrids and power systems.