Seminar by Prof. Marco Grazzi, University of Bologna


Event details

Date 17.03.2017
Hour 12:0013:30
Speaker Prof. Marco Grazzi, University of Bologna
Category Conferences - Seminars
"Persistence of growth revisited: An Exploratory Analysis on US Large Corporations"
Going back to Penrose (1959), scholars have been interested in the sources of firm growth. Indeed, this is a topic that is not only of deep scholarly interest, but also pervades the minds of practitioners. Yet, despite numerous quantitative studies (for a review, see Coad Holzl 2012) we still know relatively little about the underlying organizational drivers of firm growth.  Across several studies, a number of empirical regularities appear. For instance, we know that growth is highly skewed (very few firms grow rapidly for prolonged periods) and that periods of rapid growth appear to be eventually transient. However, the underlying forces and organizational variables (e.g. R&D spending, structure, etc.)  that explain these patterns have yet to be convincingly isolated empirically.  Posed simply, we know the general patterns of growth across firms and industries with a high degree of confidence, but we simply do not know much about what explains those patterns.

This is the gap we are attempting to rectify in our study. Our theoretical approach is to frame the firm's growth problem as one of capability accumulation.  We are exploring the extent to which firm growth and capability accumulation are linked.