June 14: Women Strike


Event details

Date 14.06.2019
Hour 11:0016:00
Place Cosandey
Category Conferences - Seminars
June 14, 1991: a day that has entered the history of Switzerland
«Les femmes bras croisés, le pays perd pied»
It is with this slogan that women in Switzerland have made themselves heard, ten years after the inclusion of equality between women and men in the Federal Constitution, to finally see this principle come to fruition. The mobilization was huge: nearly half a million women – and many men – went on strike at their workplaces and took to the streets to demand an equality law
June 14, 2019 : towards a new strike day
28 years later – the call for a new strike day is launched. (Frauen*streik)

Programme @ EPFL; Place Cosandey
11h00: Lecture du manifeste
12h00: Pic nic canadien
13h30: Prises de paroles, Mur de témoignages, Atelier banderoles, Coin lecture,
15h00: Départ pour l'UniL
15h24: Lecture du manifeste, Amphimax
16h00: Départ pour Lausanne

More infos on the website and the flyer


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free
  • This event is internal


  • Collectif UNIL - EPFL

