MT180: Public Selections - 1st series


Event details

Date 21.01.2025
Hour 12:1013:30
Speaker PhD Students / doctorantes et doctorants
Category Public Science Events
Event Language French, English

This year some thirty EPFL doctoral students have entered the Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT180) competition.

In three minutes, each student will present his or her research topic in simple terms to a non-specialist audience, in French or English. The aim of this popularization exercise is to present a clear, concise and  yet compelling explanation of their research project, supported by a single slide !

The selections are open to the public and take place on 21, 22 and 28 JanuaryUnlike the final, the selections are not recorded for the public. Colleagues, friends, families, thesis directors, come to listen to them and encourage them!


  • Doors open to public at 12:00
  • Selections begin at 12:15
  • The public arriving after 12:15 is asked to wait outside until the room is opened (between two presentations) so that presenters are not disturbed.
Fourteen participants will be selected by the jury for the EPFL final which will take place on 27 March 2025.

Running Order - Selections 21 january 2025
  1. Kexin Wu, « Probing Heat Transport in Diamond nanostructures with NV-based Thermometry », (Prof. Christophe Galland - Laboratory of Advanced Semiconductors for Photonics and Electronics), English
  2. Hongkeng Zhu, « Accurate Characterization and Modeling of High-Frequency Losses in GaN Devices for Efficient Power Conversion », (Prof. Elison Matioli - Power and Wide-band-gap Electronics Research Laboratory), English
  3. Saqib Javed, « Energy-Efficient Deep Networks for Sustainable Space Activities », (Prof. Pascal Fua - Computer Vision Laboratory), English
  4. Dareen Dardor, « Towards Net Zero Aluminium: A Decision Support Framework for Decarbonizing the Aluminium Industry », (Prof. François Maréchal & Prof. Manuele Margni - Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering), English
  5. Beatriz Mourino, « A computational Approach to the Discovery and Understanding of COFs and MOFs as Photocatalysts », (Prof. Berend Smit - Laboratory of Molecular Simulation), English
  6. Rebecca Smith, « Rethinking the Logic of Neurotransmitters », (Prof. Brian McCabe - Laboratory of Neural Genetics and Disease), English
  7. Pengbo Zhu, « Towards Mobility in the Future – Repositioning and Control of Empty Taxis », (Prof. Nikolas Geroliminis & Prof. Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate - Urban Transport Systems Lab), English
  8. Amit Sawant, « Identification of Policy-relevant Estimands in Presence of Unmeasured Confounding », (Prof. Mats J. Stensrud - Chair of Biostatistics), English
  9. Tom Enbar, « Armoring CAR-T Cells for Long-Lasting Cancer Immunity », (Prof. Li Tang - Laboratory of Biomaterials for Immunoengineering), English
  10. Ray Cowen, « NMR Investigations of the Hydration Reaction of Cementitious Calcium Silicate Hydrate », (Prof. Lyndon Emsley - Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance & Prof. Karen Scrivener - Laboratory of Construction Materials), English
  11. Mustafa Yalcinkaya, « Towards an accurate prediction of active metal biocorrosion by closer mimicking the in-vivo environment », (Dr. Stefano Mischler (EPFL) - Tribology and Interfacial Chemistry Group Lab & Dr. Patrik Schmutz (Empa) - Joining Technologies and Corrosion Lab), English
  12. Manuel Loparco, « Non-perturbative aspects of Quantum Field Theory in curved spacetimes », (Prof. Joao Augusto Penedones - Fields and Strings Laboratory), English

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Service de promotion des sciences / Science Outreach Departement


MT180 Public Selections EPFL SPS
