MT180: Public Selections - 3rd series


Event details

Date 28.01.2025
Hour 12:1013:30
Speaker PhD Students / doctorantes et doctorants
Category Public Science Events
Event Language French, English

This year some thirty EPFL doctoral students have entered the Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT180) competition.

In three minutes, each student will present his or her research topic in simple terms to a non-specialist audience, in French or English. The aim of this popularization exercise is to present a clear, concise and  yet compelling explanation of their research project, supported by a single slide !

The selections are open to the public and take place on 21, 22 and 28 JanuaryUnlike the final, the selections are not recorded for the public. Colleagues, friends, families, thesis directors, come to listen to them and encourage them!


  • Doors open to public at 12:00
  • Selections begin at 12:15
  • The public arriving after 12:15 is asked to wait outside until the room is opened (between two presentations) so that presenters are not disturbed.
Fourteen participants will be selected by the jury for the EPFL final which will take place on 27 March 2025.

Running Order - Selections 28 January 2025
  1. Anja Tiede, « Sustainable Photovoltaic Schemes with Compound Semiconductors using Correlated-disordered Patterns », (Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral - Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials), English
  2. Noémie Jeannin, « Une approche géographique pour quantifier le potentiel des véhicules électriques en tant que moyen de flexibilité pour la production d’électricité photovoltaïque », (Prof. Nicolas Wyrsch & Prof. Christophe Ballif – Laboratoire de photovoltaïque et couches minces électroniques), Français
  3. Gian Gentinetta, « Classical-Quantum Synergies for Simulations of Quantum Systems », (Prof. Giuseppe Carleo - Computational Quantum Science Laboratory), English
  4. Ilia Igashov, « Generative Modeling for Drug Discovery », (Prof. Bruno Correia & Prof. Michael Bronstein – Laboratory of Protein Design and Immunoengineering), English
  5. Abdurahman Alsulaiman, « Pathways to a Hydrogen Economy in the Buildings Sector for the EU and Switzerland under NZE by 2050 », (Prof. Philippe Thalmann - Laboratory of Environemental and Urban Economics), English
  6. Jade Mai Cock, « Modélisation du comportement des étudiant·exs intéragissant avec des simulations interactives », (Prof. Tanja Käser – Laboratoire d’intelligence artificielle pour l’éducation), Français
  7. Cassandre Contré, « Simulation rapide des profils radiaux et préparation de scénarios de décharges tokamaks à l'aide du code RAPTOR », (Prof. Olivier Sauter - Swiss Plasma Center), Français
  8. Sven Najem-Meyer, « Building AI Pipelines in a Data-scarce Environment: the Case of Ancient Greek. », (Prof. Matteo Romanello & Prof. Frédéric Kaplan - Digital Humanities Laboratory), English
  9. Lorenzo Scutteri, « De Novo Design of Light-Responsive Proteins», (Prof. Patrick Barth – Laboratory of Protein and Cell Engineering &  Prof. Sahand Rahi – Laboratory of the Physics of Biological Systems), English
  10. Emma Wiström, «Hyperpolarization of 129-Xe with dynamic nuclear Polarization: aiming towards Medical Applications», (Prof. Rolf Gruetter - Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic Imaging), English, Video recorded on 15 January

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Service de promotion des sciences / Science Outreach Departement


MT180 Public Selections EPFL SPS
