CONFERENCE & ROUND TABLE: Which Diversity Initiatives Work? Thirty Years of Evidence from U.S. Employers


Event details

Date 20.02.2019
Hour 16:3018:15
Speaker Prof. Frank Dobbin Round table with:
Prof. Franciska Krings, Professor Organizational Behaviour, former Vice-Rector, UNIL
Prof. Gisou van der Goot, Dean SV, EPFL
Prof. Kilian Stoffel, Rector UNINE, swissuniversities Equal Opportunities Delegate
Samuel Bendahan, UNIL/CDH EPFL, Member Swiss Parliament
Emmanuelle Badu, Head of Mobile Business West & Diversity Delegate West, SWISSCOM
Category Conferences - Seminars
Frank Dobbin is a professor of Sociology at Harvard. He is chair of the Organizational Behavior Ph.D. Program and coordinator (Harvard) for the MIT-Harvard Economic Sociology Seminar. Frank Dobbin has long standing experience in analysing the impact of institutional strategies and actions to promote gender and diversity and is currently completing research on major diversity programs at US universities.

The conference at EPFL will be followed by a roundtable discussion.

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