The Epic Split - discussing Intermediary Body conditions


Event details

Date 01.10.2024
Hour 13:3014:30
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language French, English

Dear colleagues,
In light of the ongoing reflections on the social working climate at EPFL Architecture, we invite you to an open discussion on our roles and conditions as intermediary bodies.
This meeting aims to:

  • Share experiences and concerns about our current work environment
  • Collaborate on addressing issues raised by the Climate Survey Report
  • Exchange ideas to organize ourselves

We are pleased to announce that Nitin Bathla, architect and researcher, will join us for the discussion. He will be presenting his latest book Researching Otherwise at Archizoom before. We invite you to join us for that as well! 
To launch the discussions, Nitin will share insights from his engagements at D-ARCH ETH Zurich, providing a basis for our conversation.
Following his input, we’ll have an open exchange of ideas and experiences, exchanging on other modes of organizing and mapping out the various conditions within the intermediary body and addressing key issues raised in the Climate Survey. If you have any initiatives or topics you would like to propose, or if you would like to help prepare, please reach out. Your input will be crucial.
We’ve created a shared folder where you can add thoughts, questions, ideas, or complaints in advance. You can also find there shared references, including the trans magazine article written by Nitin about the intermediate body, and links to useful resources for the discussion (EPFL Architecture Glossaire and Climate Survey). 

We look forward to your participation and to collectively discussing the intermediary body conditions at EPFL Architecture. 


Gianna Ledermann, Antoine Iweins, Kyra Michel, and Noémie Zurbriggen for the (un)studio

The assistant-led (un)studio: “to bring about real change” questions both the material condition of architectural education as well as its content.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • (un)studio
