U.S. CDMRP – Lupus Research Program (LRP) | Research Funding

Event details
Date | 17.07.2024 |
Category | Call for proposal |
Through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP), the Department of Defense is announcing the 2024 Lupus Research Program(LRP). Several award programs are available:
- The Idea Award supports innovative, high-risk/high-reward research that could ultimately lead to a critical discovery or major advancement relevant to lupus. This award mechanism supports studies that have the potential to reveal entirely new avenues for investigation. The application must describe how the new idea will enhance the existing knowledge of lupus or develop a hypothesis(es) or an innovative and novel course of investigation.
- The Impact Award encourages applications that support the full spectrum of research projects or ideas that specifically focus on scientific and clinical lupus issues, which, if successfully addressed, have the potential to make a major impact in lupus research and/or lupus disease. Applications should include a well-formulated, testable hypothesis based on strong scientific rationale that is established through inferential reasoning and/or critical review and analysis of the literature.
- The Transformative Vision Award (TVA) supports applications that will fulfill an extraordinary vision for dramatically improving the quality of life of persons with lupus using an intervention at the individual and/or health care system level. This award requires a plan that will test and achieve the vision through the translation of research ideas which, when addressed, will result in a near-term impact on the quality of life of persons living with lupus. Preliminary data are required. Human subject research and clinical trials are allowed under this program announcement.
- The Transformative Vision Development Award is intended to provide support to conduct pilot studies that will generate preliminary data and demonstrate feasibility for achieving the aims of a future TVA project (see section above).
- Idea Award: $300,000
- Impact Award: $1M
- Transformative Vision Award: $2M
- Transformative Vision Development Award: $250,000
- Idea Award: 2 years
- Impact Award: 4 years
- Transformative Vision Award: 4 years
- Transformative Vision Development Award: 2 years
Eligibility: Applicants from international organizations or institutions are eligible to apply, and there are no citizenship restrictions. Independent investigators at or above the level of Assistant professor (or equivalent) are eligible. Specific to Idea Award, postdoc are eligible to apply.
How to Apply: Pre-applications are submitted through the eBRAP platform. They should contain contact information, a letter of intent, and a list of collaborators and key personnel as suggested on the platform. Full applications will be made via a Grants.gov workspace. Application packages can be downloaded from Grants.gov at any time.
Pre-Application Deadline:
- 17 July 2024, 5:00 p.m. Eastern time
Full Application Deadline:
- 06 August 2024, 11:59 p.m Eastern Time
Further information:
- To find the full program announcements and to start your pre-application see here
- A useful summary of each call can be found here
- For questions about the eBRAP or Grants.gov platforms, contact the Research Office.
- Grants.gov Funding Opportunity Numbers:
- Idea Award: HT942524LRPIA
- Impact Award: HT942524LRPIPA
- Transformative Vision Award: HT942524LRPTVA
- Transformative Vision Development Award: HT942524LRPTVDA
Practical information
- General public
- Free