ENAC Seminar Series by Claudia Devaux


Event details

Date 08.05.2023
Hour 15:3016:30
Speaker Claudia Devaux
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
15:30-16:30 - Claudia Devaux
Co-managing architectural office DDA Devaux & Devaux Architectes

Heritage as potential: create, transform, conserve

Whether the goal is to create, transform or conserve, the project always begins with a detailed analysis of what is already there. It means to reveal the history of the site, its long evolution until today, to understand its raison d’être and evaluate its potential in the light of contemporary challenges, both social and environmental. Each project must be conceived in its relationship to the natural and cultural as-found and in the dialogue established with it. Much is at stake, from a cultural point of view, as well as from an ecological and economic perspective. The question is how can an existing place be transformed so it becomes liveable again, while ensuring what is created remains contemporary. Working with the existing is fully at the service of the ecological transition, since it is a question of making the most of resources already there. The heritage sustainability is a matter, both eminently societal and profoundly ecological. Whatever the type of intervention, creating - transforming - conserving, heritage should today be considered as potential.

Short bio

Claudia Devaux is an architect with a long track record of intervention in architectural heritage. Born in Germany, she graduated from the EPFL (1998). After working five years in Berlin on projects of restoration of modern heritage, especially on the site of the Bauhaus in Dessau, she joined in 2007 the agency DDA, founded in Paris in 1998 by David Devaux, graduate of the Architecture School of Versailles. In 2011, she obtained the title of “Heritage Architect” from the Chaillot School in Paris. A specialized heritage unit headed by Claudia Devaux deals with projects related to the historic buildings and heritage of the 20th century. DDA uses its dual capacity to link together restoration, transformation and creative projects. The exhibition in 2020 at the Paris Architecture Gallery highlights the work done in the existing. Claudia Devaux is invited to lecture internationally on wider themes relating to heritage, restoration, creation and the work of the practice.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Invitation required
  • This event is internal


  • ENAC 


  • Clivia Waldvogel & Sarah Feller 

Event broadcasted in
