ENAC Seminar Series by Dr. Noam Andrews


Event details

Date 28.06.2023
Hour 13:3014:30
Speaker Dr. Noam Andrews 
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
13:30-14:30 Dr Noam Andrews
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Ghent University

Architectural Geometry at the Dawn of Digital Design

The lecture takes a cross-section of architectural pedagogy and culture at the fin de siècle in order to query the roots of the rules of engagement with digital design. Eschewing a traditional account of the exponential evolution of architectural geometry (pre- and post-digital), the claim is made that the formal operations that define contemporary design production have extensive backstories, both within architecture as well as within the visual and material culture of applied geometry more generally. In eliding an emphasis on formal innovation as justification for design research, the lecture seeks to articulate a set of epistemic concerns spanning the politics of software implementation to the origins of our computer graphic interfaces and gestures towards the importance of parsing the structures of power and inequality imbedded in the propensity for morphological change.

Short bio:
Noam Andrews is a Brussels-based architect and researcher. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of the History of Science at Harvard University in 2016 and maintains a professional architecture license in England and Belgium. He has taught at the Architectural Association, Harvard University, New York University, and Ghent University, and worked as a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where, among other projects, he curated an exhibition on aesthetics and mathematics. He has held fellowships at Villa I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Renaissance Studies and the  Max Planck Institute for the History of Science. His first monograph, The Polyhedrists: Art and Geometry in the Long Sixteenth Century, was published by The MIT Press in 2022 and offers a material and representational history of the development of polyhedral geometry. His second monograph, Parameters, traces the life cycle of design software within architecture from both a historical and sociological perspective.


Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Invitation required
  • This event is internal


  • ENAC 


  • Clivia Waldvogel & Sarah Feller 

Event broadcasted in
