ENAC Seminar Series by Meritxell Vaquer Fernàndez & Daniel Bosshard


Event details

Date 10.05.2023
Hour 09:0010:00
Speaker Meritxell Vaquer Fernàndez & Daniel Bosshard
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
09:00-10:00 - Meritxell Vaquer Fernàndez & Daniel Bosshard
Lecturer in Architectural Design, ZHaW Winterthur & Bosshard Vaquer Architekten


Five points on teaching in Architectural Design and Heritage- conscious that a paradigm shift is underway, involving a softening of terminology and at the same time an enrichment of the discipline.

1- Sauvegarder is to care!
What counts as heritage is based on a social contract and is always being renegotiated. Heritage care encompasses the built and unbuilt, the complete landscape - how it was in the past, what remains today and how we want to bring it into the future. With persistent will from preservation to architectural redevelopment to remodelation. This is about science and response- ability.

2- Everything built is a valuable resource!
The current paradigm shift enriches the discourse on sauvegarde, brings it into the public focus and is at the same time a potential cause for confusion; the principles of sauvegarde threaten to be diluted. Let us use the opportunity to define all types of preservation in a logical way - learn from the discipline of sauvegarde, create public platforms, spread public recognition, and offer tools!

3- Care knowing- through practise!
Architects are responsible researchers. A curious and profound investigation of each specific constellation goes beyond historic contextualisation: it starts and ends with the built reality.

4- Redevelopment- a statement of our time!
We architects are generalists and at the same time constructeurs minutieux: How far do we go in carrying patrimoine to the future? A complex subject: true authenticity is anchored in the present, it affects us all. Our contribution is to acquire the right for a building or a landscape to be and to persist.

5- Build durably! Building Heritage today
Embedded in a collective or a society and its traditions, we find that there is no other labour than working with the existing, and transmit the appeal of building for hundreds of years.

Short bio:

Meritxell Vaquer i Fernàndez was born in Barcelona where she graduates as architect UPC-ETSAB with Josep Lluís Mateo in 1996 after an ERASMUS year at Bath University with Patrick Hodgkinson. She works in the practices of Josep Lluís Mateo, Peter Zumthor, Meili Peter and then teaches as an assistant to Christoph Luchsinger at ETH Zürich and Peter Zumthor at Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio. Daniel Bosshard, born in Zurich, graduates from ETH Zürich in 1992 under Flora Ruchat- Ronchati. After a travel scholarship to São Paulo to study the oeuvre of Paulo Mendes da Rocha he works as project architect for Kunsthaus Bregenz with Peter Zumthor. He then teaches as assistant to Valerio Olgiati at ETH Zürich and with Meritxell they assist Adam Caruso and Peter St John in Mendrisio.

Meritxell und Daniel live and work together in Zürich where they found their office in 2001. All their projects are redevelopments of some kind and treat architecture and landscape. Both enjoy combining practice and teaching. They team as scientific collaborators at ETH Zürich, as visiting professors at UIC Barcelona and at EPFL Lausanne. Meritxell is also visiting professor at TU Wien and lecturer at ZHAW Winterthur. Both are committed to building culture in associations and commissions, Meritxell as member of the Stadtbildkommission Baden, Daniel as president of BSA Zürich Aargau Glarus Graubünden and as founding and board member of Zentrum Architektur Zürich.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Invitation required
  • This event is internal


  • ENAC 


  • Sarah Feller & Clivia Waldvogel 

Event broadcasted in
