(in)visible reuse - day 2 - RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM / SXL


Event details

Date 12.09.2023
Hour 09:0018:00
Speaker details coming soon
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

The Symposium will discuss the future of practice and research on component reuse in architecture, and focus on its visibility and invisibility in current construction processes. knowledge, social and environmental impacts, and design projects.

Through four action topics (measuring, facilitating, inventing and transmitting), the Symposium questions the status of reuse in research today and its role as a means and/or an end to a more sustainable built environment.

Day 2 will be on EPFL Campus and dedicated to short research presentations by young researchers (mainly Ph.D. students in Architecture at EPFL) and discussions with the invited international Speakers of Day 1.

Send your abstract by the 7th of July 2023 to [email protected]
Max. 250 words / 1 figure welcome

Event supported by: 

  • Ecole Doctorale d’Architecture et de Sciences de la Ville (EDAR EPFL)
  • Structural Xploration Lab (SXL, EPFL)
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS)

Practical information

  • Expert
  • Registration required



architecture seminar edar reuse construction PhD

Event broadcasted in
