Lusztig slices and their quantizations


Event details

Date 15.09.2014
Hour 15:1517:00
Speaker Joel Kamnitzer (Toronto/EPFL)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Lusztig slices are moduli spaces of Hecke modifications of vector
bundles on P^1.  They are important objects of study in geometric
representation theory as they appear naturally in the geometric Satake
corrrespondence.  They are related to finite-type quiver varieties
through the theory of symplectic duality.  In joint work with Webster,
Weekes, and Yacobi, we have found that they can be quantized using a
class of algebras known as truncated shifted Yangians.  In my talk, I
will introduce these varieties and their quantizations and explain how
we are trying to study the representation theory of these algebras.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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