Paolo Portoghesi: Architecture between History, Politics and Media, lecture by Léa-Catherine Szacka / Neighbours Vol. 4 by TPOD, THEMA, HITAM


Event details

Date 09.10.2024
Hour 12:3014:00
Speaker Léa-Catherine Szacka
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Through the work of the Italian architect, theorist, and historian Paolo Portoghesi (1931-2023), it is possible to demonstrate how the triangulation of three spheres of knowledge – a renewed interest in the historical language of architecture, an intertwined link between architecture and politics and an unprecedented use of mass media – Portoghesi managed to build and sustain his postmodern project. Based on the  book Paolo Portoghesi: Architecture Between History, Politics and Media (Micheli and Szacka, Bloomsbury, 2023), this intervention will dissect and contextualize Portoghesi's work beyond the borders of Italian architectural culture, where it has traditionally been discussed - and often misinterpreted.

Léa-Catherine Szacka is Senior lecturer (Associate Professor) in Architectural Studies at the University of Manchester and Director of the Manchester Architecture Research Group (MARG). She published and edited several books including Exhibiting the Postmodern (2016), Biennials/Triennials: Conversations on the Geography of Itinerant Display (2019), Paolo Portoghesi: Architecture Between History, Politics and Media (2023), and, more recently, It’s About Time: The Architecture of Climate Change (2024). Since 2024 Szacka serves as Vice-President of the European Architectural History Network (EAHN).

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Neighbours Vol. 4 Lectures on History & Theory of Architecture TPODTHEMAHITAM


  • Marson Korbi

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