Uda_ x detritus.


Event details

Date 15.10.2024
Hour 12:1513:00
Speaker detritus.
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language French

Uda_ (Un Diner Avec) is a series of discussions with practicing architects, organized by students. Each meeting lasts around 45 minutes, during a weekday lunch break, and aims to offer a more informal and accessible format for students than traditional lectures. The aim is to encourage direct exchanges between the academic and professional worlds.
We therefore invite you to bring your lunch and meet our guests detritus. on Tuesday, the 15th of october!

"No limits"
This year's theme is all about the constraint. Far from being an obstacle, it can become a lever that shapes every project. Whether imposed by rules, budgets or our own demands, it questions our practices and influences our ethical, logistical and aesthetic rhythms. The aim is to understand how these limits, re-appropriated, can become stimulating, subversive and
unifying forces!


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Uda_ (Un Dîner Avec)


ENAC AR architecture discussion Uda_ association
