About the Sine-Gordon model and imaginary Gaussian multiplicative chaos


Event details

Date 08.11.2023
Hour 16:0017:15
Speaker Remi Rhodes (Aix-Marseille)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

I will discuss the Sine-Gordon model and its relation with neutrallog-gas. This is a model of electric charges with positive/negative signs interacting through a
logarithmic potential (or Coulomb potential in 2D). In the case when particles are confined to the boundary of a 2D domain (called boundary Sine-Gordon model) I will present a short proof that allows us to completely solve the ultraviolet renormalization of this model until the Berezinky-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition, including renormalization of correlationfunctions. The method is purely probabilistic and relies on concentration methods for martingales.
Time permitting, I will then discuss the infrared problem and how it relates to basic properties of imaginary Gaussian multiplicative chaos.

Talk with a mini-break:  25-30 minutes "colloquium style", then a 15 minutes coffee / cake / discussions break, followed by 25-30 minutes of more details.

Practical information

  • Expert
  • Free


  • Martin Hairer


  • Martin Hairer


Probability and stochastic analysis Seminar
