Belmont forum – Collaborative research action “Africa Regional Call (2024)


Event details

Date 02.09.2024
Category Conferences - Seminars

The Belmont Forum announces the launch of the Africa Regional Collaborative Research Action.

In support of the African Union’s climate, environment, and sustainability goals and priority areas for Agenda 2063, the National Research Foundation, South Africa (NRF) has led the development of this Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action (CRA) to address knowledge gaps and priorities in addressing climate change vulnerability across the continent.

Three themes (or areas) of concern emerged from scoping sessions with the community together with importance of education and awareness

  • Area 1 – Water – Energy – Food – Health Nexus
  • Area 2 – Pollution
  • Area 3 – Disaster Preparedness, Responsiveness, and Recovery

Proposals should include a strong and deliberate linkage between the societal and environmental aspects within global environmental challenges to ensure that they meet the Belmont Challenge for international transdisciplinary research. Research consortia must be truly transdisciplinary, thus including researchers from: a) social sciences/humanities/economics and b) natural sciences/physical sciences/engineering/technology, as well as c) societal partners (i.e. citizens, industry, civil society organizations), using a participatory, co-designed and co-implementation approach.

Successful proposals must address and deliver on at least one of the three themes identified above.

Additional information:
  • Proposals should address one or more of the specified themes and meet the Belmont Challenge for transdisciplinary research.
  • Consortia must be truly transdisciplinary, bringing together researchers from natural and social sciences as well as societal partners (i.e., local communities, private and public sectors, civil society organizations, NGOs, and governmental organizations) through participatory, co-design, co-development, and co-implementation approaches.
  • Consortiums with a higher proportion of African or researchers based in the Global South will have an added advantage.
Amount/ duration:
  • Projects are intended to be for 3 years, maximum total budget of CHF 300’000 for the Swiss partners. The SNSF Regulations on Project Funding apply.

This call has a two-stage submission process. Deadlines for submission are:
  • Letters of intent: 02 September 2024
  • Registration (mandatory for full proposal submission) is due on 31 August 2024, 20:00 (UTC)
  • Full proposals must be submitted online by 31 December 2024 (This date is subject to change)
  • Further information:
    • All proposals may be written in English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese.
    • Capacity-building activities and Collaborative Networking activities has begun in April and continues to 31 December 2024. These activities and projects are voluntary and are designed to enhance each consortia’s proposal
Eligibility / Restrictions:
The SNSF eligibility criteria apply.

The research itself can take place within one or more countries anywhere in the world, but the team itself must be eligible for support from three partner agencies (please refer to the list here Only one participation from Switzerland can be funded per consortium.
Researchers and societal partners from countries not supported by any of the partner agencies can participate in the research project at their own expense.
Please note that the present call is not in conflict with the restrictions of the SNSF (Article 13 of the regulations on project funding) stating that grantees may not receive more than three SNSF grants for the same funding period.

How to Apply: For further Information:
  • Feel free to contact the Research Office for any questions you may have
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): please contact Arthur Friedly at [email protected].

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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