Beyond the Standard Model physics searches with the LHCb and SND experiments at the LHC

Event details
Date | 30.09.2020 |
Hour | 12:30 › 14:00 |
Speaker | Lesya Shchutska |
Location | Online |
Category | Conferences - Seminars |
Event Language | English |
The LHCb experiment provides a unique ground for new physics searches both through the precision measurements of heavy flavour hadrons decays, and through the direct searches for new particles produced in these decays. In this talk, I will provide an example of a long-lived particle search we are conducting with the available Run 2 dataset, and discuss possible extensions for the future efforts. At the same time we are working on a new experiment - Scattering and Neutrino Detector (SND) to be installed next year in the LHC tunnel at the distance of about 500 m from the ATLAS interaction point.
The detector is designed to identify all three neutrino species and to measure their energy in an unexplored previously energy range. It also allows for searches for light dark matter through the observation of its scattering off the detector atoms. The SND experiment will be built in the next years and it will operate during the Run3 of the LHC (2022-2025). In this seminar, I will discuss the details of the proposal, and the physics reach with the data collected in Run 3 and beyond.
Sandwiches available at 7th floor cafeteria from 12:15
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- General public
- Free
- Joao Penedones
- Corinne Weibel