BMI Seminar // An On-Switch for Cortical Output: Structure and Function of L5 Pyramidal Tract Neurons In Vivo


Event details

Date 15.02.2017
Hour 12:1513:15
Speaker Marcel Oberlaender, Computational Neuroanatomy, Max Plank Institute For Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany  
Category Conferences - Seminars
Pyramidal tract neurons (PTs) represent the major output cell type of the neocortex. How intracortical activity patterns are transformed into cortical output and whether the output is related to the long-range targets is unknown. We combine injections of mono- and multi-trans-synaptic retrograde tracers with in vivo recordings, morphological reconstructions and computational modelling to assess relationships between the structure, function and subcortical target of identified PTs. We find that disjoint output channels of PTs are able to act in parallel to extract information from sensory stimuli that is most relevant for their respective subcortical targets.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • EPFL SV BMI Host : C. Petersen


