Can Engineered Micro-Scale Organotypic Models Predict Patient-Specific Responses?


Event details

Date 16.10.2017
Hour 12:15
Speaker Prof. David J. Beebe, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (USA)
Category Conferences - Seminars
(sandwiches served)

Cell-based assays for the prediction of patient-specific cancer response have not been widely adopted. However, it is timely to reevaluate their use, as numerous innovations, including micro-scale organ-on-a-chip models, may improve their predictive power and utility. We demonstrate how different levels of organotypic complexity may be necessary to recapitulate patient response: 1) Co-culture of multiple myeloma cells and stroma from a patient accurately predicts drug chemosensitivity. 2) Invasion of prostate cancer cells into model ECMs allows stratification of patients independent of other biomarkers. 3) Organotypic vessels from patient endothelial cells differentially respond to anti-angiogenic therapy in renal cell carcinoma. In addition, I will present our recent explorations into “open microfluidics” and its potential to advance the practical application of microfluidics.

    B.S., UW–Madison, Electrical Engineering
    M.S., UW–Madison, Electrical Engineering
    Ph.D., UW–Madison, Electrical Engineering (Minor: Life Sciences), 1989-1994
    UW–Madison, Cancer Biology, 2004-2009

Claude Bernard Professor of Biomedical Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014 – Present

Salus Discovery LLC, Madison, WI, 2013 – Present

Tasso, Inc., Madison, WI, 2013 – Present

John D. MacArthur Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012 – Present

Co-Leader, Tumor Microenvironment Program
UW Carbone Cancer Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012 – Present

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Dept of Biomedical Engineering), 2005 – Present

Associate Chair for Research and Faculty Development
University of Wisconsin-Madison (Dept of Biomedical Engineering), 2009 – 2014

Chief Scientific Officer
Ratio (Madison, WI), 2005 – 2014

Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Beckman Institute), 1996 – 1999

Assistant Professor
Louisiana Tech University (Dept. of Biomedical Engineering), 1994 – 1996

Electrical Engineer
Kimberly-Clark, 1987 – 1989

Research Description:
Basic cell culture techniques have changed little in almost a century. By far the most dominate format for cell culture is the Petri dish or similar (e.g. multi well plate). Slowly this is beginning to change as our ability to create materials, geometries and even systems at the cellular scale continues to grow and mature. At the same time, the importance of the three-dimensional microenvironment in cancer biology is increasingly demonstrated. We have begun to explore a variety of engineered in vitro microenvironments to probe the nature of cell interactions that regulate cell behavior. These environments range from in silico lineage models to three-dimensional co-culture constructs to simple convective-free culture systems to high throughput assay systems. While our particular interests center around cancer biology, the constructs have broad potential application across cell biology. Our goal is a holistic approach to understanding cell behavior that integrates in vitro cellular scale engineering to recapitulate important in vivo microenvironmental characteristics in ways that provide biological insights, aid in diagnosis/treatment and enhance discovery.

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