[ CORNET | Research funding ]


Event details

Date 26.09.2018
Category Call for proposal

CORNET is a network of ministries and funding agencies that combine their existing funding schemes to increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). CORNET supports new funding organisations worldwide to introduce pilot actions and schemes for pre-competitive Collective Research. Participation in a CORNET project allows SMEs, SME associations or groups and research organisations to build up an international network and to benefit from know-how and resources that might not be available in their country or region.
Submission deadline: 26.09.2018, 12 p.m. (CET)
Who can apply: At least two countries (with funding organisation participating in the CORNET call) need to submit a joint proposal requiring three entities per applicant: An SME association, organistion or group that submits and coordinates the project, a research organisation (RTOC) that is (sub-)contracted to perform the research activities, and an SME user committee (SME UCD) consisting of at least 5 SMEs per country (the required number might be higher depending on national rules), which guides the research, ensures the pre-competitive character and benefits from the results. However, the structure per country/region can vary according to national/regional rules. Funding is provided country-by-country, combining resources into one project budget.
How: Applications should be submitted via the CORNET Submission Tool, using the latest template.
Duration: up to 24 months
Funding: Depends on the participant’s funding agency. Swiss participation is supported by SFOE.
For more information: More information are available on the CORNET website and Guidelines for Applicants.
Contact: [email protected] for administrative, financial, ethics and legal assistance.
Accessibility: General public
Admittance: Free

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

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