Creating the Universe: new type of hill-top inflation from the CFT driven cosmology


Event details

Date 16.02.2015
Hour 14:00
Speaker Andrei Barvinsky (Lebedev Physics Institute/CERN)
Cubotron 727
Category Conferences - Seminars
We give an overview of the cosmological model driven by conformal field theory (CFT) with the initial conditions in the form of the microcanonical density matrix. In particular, we suggest a new mechanism of hill-top inflation originating from the underbarrier field oscillations in the vicinity of the inflaton potential maxima. Applications of this mechanism, which might serve as a solution of the string landscape problem, to Higgs inflation and Starobinsky models are considered. The problem of hierarchy between the inflation and Planck scales is discussed within the concept of a hidden sector of conformal fields with arbitrarily high spins. Thermal corrections to the primordial power spectrum and other properties of this model are briefly discussed.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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