Dissociative electron attachment and electron-impact vibrational excitation of molecules: from diatomics to polyatomics


Event details

Date 27.06.2024
Hour 14:0015:00
Speaker Prof. Karel Houfek
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

The fully quantum nonlocal theory of nuclear dynamics of resonant electron-molecule collisions at low energies and its application to dissociative electron attachment and vibrational excitation of diatomic and small polyatomic molecules will be explained. The results for a few nonlocal models based on ab initio electronic calculations will be presented for specific molecules showing how features in the cross sections and electron energy-loss spectra can be explained from nuclear dynamics of the intermediate negative molecular ions.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Prof. Jiri Vanicek


  • Prof. Jiri Vanicek


dissociative electron attachment vibrational excitation of diatomic
