Electronic Structure Reading Group: Green's functions in quantum many-body theory and quasiparticle equations


Event details

Date 24.06.2024
Hour 16:0017:30
Speaker Matteo Quinzi
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

I am planning to give a general introduction about Green’s functions in quantum many-body theory and quasiparticle equation.
The main reference will be this paper of Behnam Farid:
Behnam Farid (1999) A Luttinger’s theorem revisited, Philosopical Magazine B, 79:8, 1097-1143, DOI: 10.1080/13642819908218309
Here I will just focus on sections 2 & 3 + Appendix A
Another good (but quite older) reference is in Layzer
Finally, and depending on time, I can show an example of application from this other paper of Engel and Farid et al.


The electronic structure reading group brings together researchers and students interested in mathematical aspects of electronic structure problems and adjacent topics, including:

  • Density Functional Theory
  • Many-body Schrödinger equation for electrons
  • Born-Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics
  • Numerical analysis and error control
For updates, join the matrix chat room at #electronic-structure:epfl.ch (requires a GASPAR account).

Website: https://matmat.org/readinggroup/

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Muhammad Hassan, EPFL Michael Herbst, EPFL
