EPFL BioE Talks SERIES "Understanding Host-Pathogen Interactions Across Scales"


Event details

Date 04.03.2024
Hour 12:1513:15
Speaker Prof. Rahul Roy, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IN)
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
WEEKLY EPFL BIOE TALKS SERIES (sandwiches provided)

Throughout their lives, humans come into repeated contact with countless pathogens. Over time, both humans and pathogens have evolved strategies to combat each other. In this talk, I will discuss how we unravel the intricate relationship between hosts and pathogens across different biological scales. At the molecular level, I will describe the mechanisms by which pore-forming toxins disrupt lipid membranes. Using single-molecule imaging techniques, we elucidate the precise molecular interactions that govern the penetration of bacterial toxins into host cell membranes. At the cellular process level, I will discuss how mathematical modeling can aid in dissecting the dynamics of lifecyle of positive strand RNA viruses within host cells. Lastly, I will talk about population-level interactions captured via viral genomics, investigating how interactions between virus and the host immune system can drive the evolution of viruses in complex ways.

Rahul Roy earned his PhD in Biophysics and Computational Biology from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 2007. After a post-doctoral stint at Harvard University, Rahul joined the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2012 where he is currently an Associate Professor in Chemical Engineering and an Associate Faculty in Bioengineering. His lab is leading an interdisciplinary research program aimed at innovating and engineering novel technologies to help understand and manage infectious diseases using single-molecule detection, quantitative genomics, and high-resolution imaging.

Zoom link (with one-time registration for the whole series) for attending remotely: https://go.epfl.ch/EPFLBioETalks

Instructions for 1st-year Ph.D. students who are under EDBB’s mandatory seminar attendance rule:
IN CASE you cannot attend in-person in the room, please make sure to
  1. send D. Reinhard a note well ahead of time (ideally before seminar day), informing that you plan to attend the talk online, and, during seminar:
  2. be signed in on Zoom with a recognizable user name (not any alias making it difficult or impossible to identify you).
Students attending the seminar in-person should collect a confirmation signature after the talk - please print your own signature sheet beforehand (71 kB pdf available for download here). IMPORTANTLY: hang on to this sheet as no signature record is being kept by anyone else!

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required


