Exhibition and reviews / EPFL Architecture


Event details

Date 13.12.2024 19.12.2024
Category Miscellaneous
Event Language French, English

Questioned and reevaluated, the very foundations of our disciplines find space for exploration, research, and critical dialogue within the design studios. The Semester Exhibition opens with a lecture by Esch Sintzel Architekten, followed by an apero on Monday, December 16th.

School Lecture + Exhibition Opening
Mo 16. December 2024, 18:30
Esch Sintzel Architekten
Archizoom Space

Exhibition + Reviews  
13.12 - 19.12.24
EPFL SG Building

Superstudio Domesticated Foodscapes will close the semester with three days of experimental food actions and video screenings. Join for meals, and insights from the semester’s research.
17-19.12, 12:00-14:00
Archizoom Space

Exhibition Map + Reviews Schedule
Detailed Program

Studio Presentations
→  Architecture Hub

Online Exhibition
→  Living Archives (online on 21.1)

First year (BA1) : ALICE (Dietz + Seewang); Second year (BA 3) : Assemble (Binning + Perkins), Gay Menzel, LAST (Rey), LIF (Taillieu), MANSLAB (Bakker + Blanc), Truwant Rodet; ThirdFourth year (BA5/MA1) : Bedir, DC-LAB (Delhay), Gardelegui Widmer Pham, FAR (Vannucci), Graf, IBOIS (Weinand), LAB-U (Viganò), LAPIS (Braghieri), LDM (unstudio: Iweins, Ledermann, Michel, Zurbriggen); Peris Toral, Piovene Fabi, RIOT (Malterre-Barthes), TEXAS (Lapierre); Fifth year (MA3) : Superstudio, EAST (Fröhlich)