Family symmetries and clues for flavour in rare decays


Event details

Date 06.07.2017
Hour 11:0012:30
Speaker Ivo Varzielas
Category Conferences - Seminars

I will start by reviewing the idea of family symmetries, presenting them as appealing Beyond Standard Model theories that address flavour.

I will then discuss the hints for Beyond Standard Model physics in rare B decays observed by LHCb. These are expressed through the ratios R_K and R_K^*, which compare branching ratios with electrons and with muons in the final state. Following this, I show how models with leptoquarks and family symmetries naturally account for the lepton non-universality required to explain the deviations from the Standard Model hinted at by LHCb - using the same family symmetries that explain the large mixing angles established by neutrino oscillation experiments.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Joao Penedones


het seminar

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