[ Federal Office of Environment (FOEN) | Environmental technology promotion ]


Event details

Date 30.09.2021
Category Call for proposal

The Swiss Federal Office of Environment supports the development of technologies, installations, processes and products (goods and services) that can reduce environmental pollution in the public interest (according to art. 49 of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA). Around CHF 4 million in funding is available every year.

As part of environmental technology promotion efforts, support is provided to pilot and demonstration (P&D) projects as well as projects that improve resource efficiency and strengthen the competitiveness of the Swiss economy. These include projects in the areas of waste and recycling, biodiversity (nature and landscape protection, forest conservation), soil and contaminated sites, climate, noise abatement, air pollution control, disaster prevention (protection from natural disasters and safety), resource efficiency and water.

Who can apply:

  • Individual firms, groups of firms or project groups with members from firms and research institutes.
  • Teams with members from both firms and research institutes are valued.

Funding: no upper limit
  • At least 50% of all qualifying project costs must be assumed by applicants.
  • As an exception, the FOEN may cover more than 50% of the costs for feasibility studies under CHF 50’000.
  • When over CHF 50’000 is requested, the project will be evaluated by the federal expert commission for environmental technology.

Submission process:
  • FOEN must receive an application in writing from an eligible project partner.
  • Applications may be submitted in one of the national languages (German, French, Italian) or in English.
  • Submitted projects must provide information on the criteria of environmental benefits, innovation, economic and technical feasibility, including market chances, added value for Switzerland and other aspects of sustainability

Next Deadlines: 30 September 2021
  • The next meeting of the expert commission will take place on 24 November 2021

Please contact the Innovation Section before submitting an application. Contact: 058 469 69 10 and [email protected]. A 1 to 2-page comprehensive project outline and a telephone call should largely suffice to clarify whether a project basically qualifies for a grant.

For more information and application, please have a look at FOEN website, application procedure, application forms, salary rates and project examples. Please contact [email protected] for personalised advice on the applicable overhead rate, eligible productive hours and much more.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



Research Funding

Event broadcasted in
