Intensive Course on Energy Geostructures: Analysis and Design


Event details

Date 25.03.2020 27.03.2020
Speaker Lyesse Laloui (EPF Lausanne, CH), Alessandro F. Rotta Loria (Northwestern University, USA), Tony Amis (GI-Energy, USA), Didier Mülhauser (Marti SA, CH), Luis de Pereda Fernández (ENERES, ES)
EPFL Innovation Park, Bâtiment E
Category Public Science Events

We are happy to announce the third edition of the 3-day intensive course for practitioners and scientists entitled “Energy geostructures: analysis and design”. The course will be held at the EPFL on March 25-27 2020.

More information about the course program and registration can be found at this website.

For additional information and question, please contact:

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required


  • Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS)


Geostructures Analysis Design Course

Event broadcasted in
