MEchanics GAthering –MEGA- Seminar: Beyond academia: Strategies for a successful job search


Event details

Date 14.12.2023
Hour 16:1517:30
Speaker Christina Tsirimokou Poierrié (RH, EPFL); Astrid Olaya (EPFL)  
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
General information: 
Where does one look for jobs in Switzerland (or beyond)? Any advice for the job search? What is the attitude of Swiss employers toward PhD graduates? Graduates of EPFL in particular? What are misconceptions employers may have about PhDs? How can we approach this during interviews? What kinds of additional skills / trainings do PhD graduates need, if any, to improve their applications?

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • MEGA.Seminar Organizing Committee



job search in Switzerland Swiss employers applications candidature
