MEchanics GAthering -MEGA- Seminar: Impact of Base Flow Characteristics on Wind Turbine Flow and Power Efficiency: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study


Event details

Date 05.12.2024
Hour 16:1517:00
Speaker Tristan Revaz (WIRE, EPFL)
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Abstract: Wind turbine flows are highly sensitive to the base flow details, making them strongly influenced by topography, atmospheric conditions, and upstream turbines. While most studies focus on the base flow impact on the turbine wake flow and power output, few address its impact on the turbine power efficiency. Using large-eddy simulations, this work explores this relationship and demonstrates that the base flow can modify the turbine efficiency by up to 20%. Clear relationships are identified between the power coefficient, induction factor, wake deficit, and base flow characteristics. Some of these relationships can serve as a predictive tool for assessing turbine power efficiency. A key result is the strong connection between the turbine power efficiency and the wake development, which helps to explain the observed effects.The results suggest that the base flow influences the wake, which in turn affects the flow through the turbine, and thus modify the turbine power efficiency. In this context, an analytical model is developed to compute the effect of base flow pressure gradients on the turbine induction and power efficiency.

Bio: Tristan is PhD student at the Wind Engineering and Renewable Energy Laboratory (WiRE) at EPFL. His research focuses on large eddy simulation of wind turbine flows and the interaction between wind turbine wakes and turbine power efficiency. He holds a BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering from EPFL, with a specialization in Fluid Mechanics and a minor in Computational Science and Engineering. During his master project at Enercon, he investigated the application of large eddy simulations for wind resource assessment in complex terrain. Following this, he worked as a consultant with MeteoTest on a project using large eddy simulations to model air flow and heat distribution in the Lucerne region. 

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • MEGA.Seminar Organizing Committee


Wind Turbines Fluid Mechanics Energy Efficiency
