MEchanics GAthering –MEGA- Seminar: The gaseous phase of cavitation bubbles


Event details

Date 07.12.2023
Hour 16:1517:30
Speaker Davide Bernardo Preso (EPFL)
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Despite more than a century of research, many aspects of cavitation remain poorly understood, especially with regards to the bubble contents. The small-scale nature of cavitation in both time and space hinders direct measurements, setting a limit for a complete understanding of the phenomenon. In this talk, I will present results from a combination of analytical model and experimental techniques, using high-speed visualizations, dynamic pressure measurements, and fast photodetection, which shed lights on the prediction of the gaseous phase composition of cavitation bubbles. Also, I will present findings that help understanding how condensable vapours and incondensable gases behave within a collapsing bubble.

Davide Bernardo Preso is a MSCA Ph.D. candidate in Mechanics at the Cavitation Research Group, EPFL, supervised by Dr. Mohamed Farhat. He received his BSc and MSc degrees in Chemical Engineering from University of Bologna (Italy). Before joining EPFL, he was Research Assistant at ETH Zurich. His research interests include gas effects on cavitation dynamics, non-equilibrium phase transition in multiphase flow, and cavitation erosion-corrosion of metals. He collaborates with Sorbonne University (France) and Tohoku University (Japan), where he was visiting researcher.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • MEGA.Seminar Organizing Committee



cavitation bubble dynamics phase transition
