MEchanics GAthering –MEGA- Seminar: The Mechanics of Innovation: Learnings from building without cement


Event details

Date 05.10.2023
Hour 16:1517:30
Speaker Dimitrios Terzis (LMS, EPFL)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Dr. Dimitrios Terzis shares a compelling exploration, starting from his doctoral research and extending into the domain of science entrepreneurship, with a prominent focus on sustainable construction practices that challenge the dependence on conventional cement-based materials. This talk shines a spotlight on innovation as an integral engineering process. The central theme of the presentation revolves around the research and development of environmentally conscious and nature-inspired construction materials, addressing the contemporary imperative for sustainability. The approach taken in this endeavor ensures that innovations extend beyond theoretical constructs, emerging as practical and immediately applicable solutions. The shift toward the entrepreneurial arena underscores the vital role of investor engagement in bridging the gap between pioneering research and industry-wide applications. Furthermore, the collaborative efforts with public authorities play a pivotal role in shaping policies and regulations that facilitate the widespread adoption of inventive construction technologies on a global scale.

Dr. Dimitrios Terzis is a researcher and lecturer in the Civil Engineering Section at EPFL. He has introduced and consistently taught a class aimed at instilling in Civil Engineering students the skills to innovate, now in its fifth year. Furthermore, with supervision of four doctoral theses and a track record as a principal investigator for competitive grants, including those from Innosuisse and the Swiss National Science Foundation, Dr. Terzis has made significant contributions to academia and research. Additionally, as a co-founder of Medusoil, an ENAC spinoff, he has secured over CHF 5 million in funding and expanded the company's presence to three countries. Dimitrios is committed to promoting diversity, skills transfers and peer mentoring, actively supporting students and science entrepreneurs in achieving their aspirations.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • MEGA.Seminar Organizing Committee



construction materials cement sustainability policy
