[ MICHAEL J FOX FOUNDATION - Using Epidemiological Datasets to Identify Risk and Protective Factors for Parkinson’s Disease | Research funding ]


Event details

Date 26.09.2018
Category Call for proposal
Aim: The Michael J. Fox Foundation seeks to support studies using large, existing epidemiological datasets to identify factors that decrease the risk of Parkinson's disease (PD). The purpose of this program is to identify factors such as lifestyle behaviors (e.g., diet and exercise) or use of pharmacological or other medical interventions that decrease the risk of PD and could be used to develop prevention and/or treatment approaches. Lifestyle factors may reduce the risk of PD or delay the onset. Interventions for a variety of other medical conditions may also contribute to risk by providing protection against PD. This approach may also identify pharmacological interventions that could potentially be repurposed to treat PD or novel targets for further research.
MJFF is especially interested in funding projects that utilize large longitudinal datasets and will prioritize collaborative efforts that bring together teams of investigators with access to multiple diverse datasets.
Funding:       Maximum USD $500’000
Duration:      1-2 years
Eligibility: Researchers at all academic levels at or above Assistant Professor are eligible to apply.
How to Apply: The pre-proposal is the first step in the application. Pre-proposals must be completed in the online application portal.  Successful applicants will be given further instructions for submitting a full proposal.
Deadline (Pre-proposal): 26 September 2018 (5:00 pm EST)
Deadline (Full Application, by invitation): 22 January 2019 (5:00 pm EST)
Further information
  • See the official webpage for more details, or download the RFA
  • Find the application portal here
  • Participate in the MJFF funding opportunities webinar on 06 September to learn more
  • For any other questions, contact the Research Office: [email protected]

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

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