Minimax-Bayes Reinforcement Learning


Event details

Date 01.09.2023
Hour 11:0012:00
Speaker Prof. Christos Dimitrakakis, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
ME C2 405
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

While the Bayesian decision-theoretic framework offers an elegant solution to the problem of decision making under uncertainty, one question is how to appropriately select the prior distribution. One idea is to employ a worst-case prior. However, this is not as easy to specify in sequential decision making as in simple statistical estimation problems.  I will present (sometimes approximate) minimax-Bayes solutions for various reinforcement learning problems to gain insights into the properties of the corresponding priors and policies. We find that while the worst-case prior depends on the setting, the corresponding minimax policies are more robust than those that assume a standard (i.e.\ uniform) prior.

My research in artificial intelligence and machine learning includes reinforcement learning, preference elicitation, privacy, fairness, experiment design, safety, recommendation systems, job matching, crowdsourcing and social computing more generally. More recently, I have been interested in the computational, societal and statistical problems that arise when humans interact with artificially intelligent systems. I obtained my PhD in 2006 from EPFL, and I am currently a professor a the university of St. Gallen. Previously, I was a professor at the university of Oslo, an assistant professor at the university of Lille and a senior researcher at Chalmers university.