monthly Grad Student Mini-Symposium (IBI-EDBB)
Yuqing Xie (Tang Lab) -- Targeted Delivery of Chemokine with Nanocomplexes Promotes Tumor-infiltration of T-Lymphocytes
(no second speaker this time)
Session Chair: Alexandra Waskow (Furno Lab at the SPC)
Mini-symposium format: (see web page)
(no second speaker this time)
Session Chair: Alexandra Waskow (Furno Lab at the SPC)
Mini-symposium format: (see web page)
- monthly (first Friday of the month – with the occasional exception…), skipping August-September
- back-to-back presentations by two doctoral students enrolled in the EDBB Program, usually in their 2nd or 3rd year)
- presentation time 30' (incl. 5' Q&A) each
- followed by social get-together (pizza & beer, sponsored by the Institute of Bioengineering)
Practical information
- Informed public
- Free