monthly Grad Student Mini-Symposium (IBI-EDBB)


Event details

Date 25.11.2022
Hour 17:0018:00
Speaker EDBB grad students
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Mustafa Kangül (Fantner Lab) -- Open-Source Controller for Scanning Probe Microscopy Applications

Chen Zhang (Manley Lab) -- From Static to Dynamic - Inference of the Bacterial Cell Wall Growth

Session co-Chairs: Radiana Ferrero and Wangjie Liu (both from Deplancke Lab)

Mini-symposium format: (see web page)
  • Monthly (first Friday of the month - with the occasional exception...), but skipping August-September
  • Where and when? EPFL seminar room SV1717 | 17:00 (sharp)
  • Broadcasting on Zoom as well (for students on remote campuses!)
  • Back-to-back presentations by two doctoral students enrolled in the EDBB Program (usually in their 2nd or 3rd year)
  • Presentation time 30' (incl. 5' Q&A)
  • Followed by social get-together (pizza & beer, sponsored by the Institute of Bioengineering) --> please volunteer to organize it!
  • Note: IBI-EDBB MiniSymp are an official course in which you can enroll and earn credits (download ‘BIOENG-600’ course attendance sheet – pdf, 39 kB)

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free

