[Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute | Environments Journal travel award]


Event details

Date 30.05.2018
Category Call for proposal

The Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute invites applications for its travel award. The call aims at allowing researchers to attend an international conference in environmental science and environmental engineering between July 2018 and December 2019.
Who can apply:

  • applicants must hold a PhD (a Letter of Support from your Supervisor is requested, if applicable).
  • be presenting at an international conference between July 2018 and December 2019.
  • be involved in environmental science and environmental engineering and related areas.
Funding: CHF 800 for registration, travel and accommodation.
Deadline: 30 May 2018
For more information and application, please have a look at the call webpage.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

Event broadcasted in
