Neuro-X seminar: Prof Robert Barry - From brain fMRI to spinal cord at 7 Tesla


Event details

Date 26.09.2022
Hour 14:0015:00
Speaker Prof. Robert Barry
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Rob was born and raised in Winnipeg (aka – “Winterpeg”), Canada. While completing his Master’s in Computer Engineering at the University of Manitoba, he saw an ad in the local newspaper looking for volunteers for a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Rob was fascinated that a machine could take pictures of the human brain and infer what a participant was thinking, so he agreed to have his brain scanned. It was an amazing experience for Rob, and he participated in several additional studies. He was hooked!
Although Rob’s early studies involved telecommunications engineering, he switched fields to pursue research in next-generation fMRI technology. In 2004, Rob moved to London, Ontario to begin a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at the Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping, Robarts Research Institute, Western University. (Moving to London turned out to be an excellent choice because that is also where Rob met his future wife, Laura.)
In 2008, Rob completed his Ph.D. and moved to Nashville, Tennessee to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship at the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science. He relocated to Boston in 2016 to start the Brain & Spinal Cord Laboratory. Rob is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and affiliated faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Rob’s lab is located at the Massachusetts General Hospital’s Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging.