Neuroplasticity following spinal cord injury in rats


Event details

Date 12.09.2012
Hour 18:0019:00
Speaker Prof. Karim Fouad, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta (CA)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Prof Fouad will present the latest results of his laboratory, which goal is to promote functional recovery following spinal cord injury.

Functional recovery following injuries of the central nervous system (CNS) is limited because severed axons are unable to regrow. This inability to regenerate is caused by various factors including growth inhibitory factors in the central nervous system and intracellular properties of injured neurons. Nevertheless, moderate recovery following brain or spinal cord injuries occurs. The underlying mechanisms for this recovery lies in the ability of spared and injured CNS circuitries to rearrange, generally termed as plasticity. To promote functional recovery following spinal cord injury we are currently focusing on the following two main strategies:
a) trying to understand injury induced plasticity and attempting to enhance this naturally occurring repair mechanism. b) Promoting regeneration of lesioned axons by addressing various regeneration restricting factors in combined treatments.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Center for Neuroprosthetics, Prof G. Courtine

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