Perspectives on AI Symposiums - Beyond deep learning: Learning from small and heterogeneous data


Event details

Date 14.07.2023
Hour 09:0017:00
Speaker André Freitas
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Idiap is launching a new public series of symposiums entitled: Perspectives on AI. These events aim to bring together academia, industry and policy makers to present their perspectives on artificial intelligence, in particular how we can leverage the power of AI to address key societal and industrial challenges.
In this Perspectives on AI edition, we will discuss emerging methods which are outside the traditional deep learning and statistics toolbox, aiming to address these challenges. Under the ethos of 'Doing more with less', invited speakers from academia and industry will discuss how recent methodological developments in AI and statistical methods can address existing challenges and deliver new opportunities for making sense of an increasingly complex data landscape.
The event is targeted towards academics, data scientists, practitioners and executives who need to make sense of complex, heterogeneous and small data and it aims to discuss the following questions:
What are the most promising methods for interpreting distributed and heterogeneous data/evidence?
How can these methods address grand societal challenges such as evidence-based policy making, personalised healthcare and predicting the impact of environmental changes?
What are the opportunities for creating value in strategic areas for Switzerland such as Healthcare and Finance?

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required


  • Idiap Research Institute




deep learningdataAIsocietal challenges

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