Perspectives on AI Symposiums: Data science in oncology


Event details

Date 25.01.2023
Hour 09:0017:00
Speaker Raphaëlle Luisier,
Category Public Science Events
Event Language English

This symposium will discuss how data science and AI support the research and development in oncology, and what are the current limitations, such as data sharing and privacy, or the interpretability of the algorithms, as well as what can be done to accelerate the research.
Keynote speakers are Prof. Olivier Michielin (Head of the Center of Precision Oncology, Department of Oncology, CHUV), Dr. Jean Hausser (Assistant Professor, Karolinska Institute), Dr. Slavica Dimitrieva (Associate Director and Senior Principal Scientist, Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research), and Dr. Maria Rodriguez Martinez (Group Leader, IBM). The round-table will be animated by Prof. Benoit Dubuis (Director, Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva) to which Prof. Elisa Oricchio (Director of ISREC and Professor at EPFL) and members of the Oncology in Valais Hospital will take part.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Idiap Research Institute



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