PolyPhys Outdoor Apero


Event details

Date 09.07.2021
Hour 18:0021:00
Category Cultural events
Event Language English

Given the ease of the new covid measures, we are glad to invite you to our first post-covid apero on Friday the 9th of July at 6pm at the Parc Bourget. This is an excellent opportunity to meet your fellow physics PhD students and hang out in an informal atmosphere. Free beers will be provided! A BBQ will be available, so please feel free to bring also your own food. Please fill out the following doodle if you are planning to join us: https://doodle.com/poll/t8qc822ameyypd9w

To be sure not to miss anything you can keep in touch with us on:

  • Twitter at @polyphys_epfl, where you will find the latest news and research related matters.
  • Discord channel at the EPFL PhD’s Discord server. Come and join us at: https://discord.gg/J7HPBFxG to organize informal coffee breaks, aperos; you name it!

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • PolyPhys Student Association


  • polyphys@epfl.ch

Event broadcasted in
