Ramanujan property of random regular graphs and delocalization of random band matrices
Event details
Date | 07.02.2025 |
Hour | 14:30 › 15:30 |
Speaker | Horng-Tzer Yau (Harvard) |
Category | Conferences - Seminars |
Event Language | English |
In this lecture, we review two recent works on random matrices.
1. We consider the normalized adjacency matrix of a random $d$-regular graph on $N$ vertices with any fixed degree $d\geq 3$ and denote its eigenvalues as $\lambda_1=d/\sqrt{d-1}\geq \lambda_2\geq\lambda_3\cdots\geq \lambda_N$. We establish the edge universality for random $d$-regular graphs, namely, the distributions of $\lambda_2$ and $-\lambda_N$ converge to the Tracy-Widom$_1$ distribution associated with the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble.
As a consequence, for sufficiently large $N$, approximately $69\%$ of $d$-regular graphs on $N$ vertices
are Ramanujan, meaning $\max\{\lambda_2,|\lambda_N|\}\leq 2$. This resolves a conjecture by Sarnak and Miller-Novikoff-Sabelli.
2. Consider an $ N \times N$ Hermitian one-dimensional random band matrix with band width $W > N^{1 / 2 + \varepsilon} $ for any $ \varepsilon > 0$.
In the bulk of the spectrum and in the large $ N $ limit, we prove that all $ L^2 $- normalized eigenvectors are delocalized, meaning their $ L^\infty$ norms are simultaneously bounded by $ N^{-\frac{1}{2} + \varepsilon} $ with overwhelming probability, for any $ \varepsilon > 0 $. This resolves the delocalization of one-dimensional random band matrices in the full conjectured regime of the band width.
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- Martin Hairer