Relating Inflationary Predictions to the Modulus Mass


Event details

Date 22.06.2015
Hour 14:0015:00
Speaker Dr Koushik Dutta (Saha Institute, Kolkata)
Category Conferences - Seminars
A generic feature of SUGRA/string models are the existence moduli fields which have Planck suppressed couplings to Standard Model fields. The post-inflationary minima of these fields are generically shifted away from the inflationary minima, and as an effect the coherent oscillations of these fields can easily dominate ('non-thermal epoch') the energy density of the Universe after usual reheating caused by the inflaton. In this scenario, we will show how inflationary observables are related to the lightest modulus in the theory. In particular, the predictions for spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio of any inflation model is highly sensitive to the modulus mass.

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  • Free


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