(R)Evolution of Mobility: Harnessing New Technologies to Plan Sustainable Transportation Systems


Event details

Date 04.07.2023
Hour 11:0012:00
Speaker Prof. André L. Carrel , The Ohio State University
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Strategies to achieve durable shifts toward more sustainable travel behavior should seek to both reduce car-centric lifestyles and to shift remaining car use to cleaner vehicle technologies. A key step toward the first goal is to incentivize reductions in household car ownership, which recognizes the interconnected nature of vehicle ownership with daily activity and travel patterns. In this presentation, Dr. Carrel will discuss how new forms of virtual working and shopping may not only lead to reduced household car ownership, but also, how technology-driven vehicle subscription services that cater to low-vehicle households may promote the use of electric vehicles. The findings are based on two separate studies conducted in the United States. The first study finds a possible association between travelers’ levels of teleworking and online shopping on the one hand and mode use patterns on the other hand. A latent class analysis reveals a segment of the population that engages in high levels of such online activities while also being characterized by a comparatively low-car – but not car-free – lifestyle, thereby suggesting possible sustainability benefits of teleworking that go beyond the elimination of commute travel. The second study finds that short-term car subscription services, which allow households to reduce the number of permanently owned vehicles, can promote the use of battery electric vehicles (BEVs). Analyses of data from a stated preference survey reveal that such services appeal to a segment of the population that is unwilling to commit to purchasing a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) but is open to subscribing to one, suggesting that subscription services could increase the number of BEVs on the road. In summary, this presentation argues that with appropriate policy guidelines, technology-based models of working, shopping, and owning vehicles can be leveraged to promote more sustainable travel behavior.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Michel Bierlaire


  • Mila Bender



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