River habitat conservation and watershed modelling and management


Event details

Date 31.10.2013
Hour 17:1518:00
Speaker Prof. Qiuwen Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
Category Conferences - Seminars
The eco-environmental impacts of reservoir operation have become the bottleneck of hydropower development.  This  research  is  to  develop  a  systematic methodology  to quantify  the  eco-environmental impacts of hydropower production and adapt reservoir operations so as to balance the social-economic interests and the river ecosystem conservation. The research established a method to reveal the adaptation mechanism of target species to the changes of hydro-environmental factors from the angle of species physiology and ethology.

Basing on the relations, the research developed a comprehensive  river  ecohydraulics  modeling system to simulate the eco-environmental effects of reservoir operation and derive a reasonable hydrograph of ecological flow requirement. Finally, it   proposed   an   optimization   model   to   adapt reservoir operations in order to balance social- economic interests and eco-environmental conservation. The methodology has been applied to adapt the operations of two cascaded reservoirs with diversion-type hydropower stations in the Yalong River for fish habitat protection, and to optimize the operation of clustered reservoirs in the Lijiang River for holistic ecosystem conservation.

The conflicts between water quality protection and environmental capacity using are becoming severe. TMDL(Total Maximum Daily Load)approach which is developed in the United States a decade ago has been proved a successful strategy to balance the conflict.

This  research  took  the  Beiyunhe  river  basin  as  the  studied  case,  and  developed  a  pilot  TMDL  for management of CODMn and NH3-N loads. The core of the TMDL system was a model which integrated a semi-distributed  hydrological  module,  a  diffusive  emission  module  and  a  one-dimensional  water  quality module. Filed monitoring data were collected and used for model calibration and verification. Through the simulations of typical hydrological regimes (dry, normal and wet), a preliminary scheme of daily load control was established, which incorporated the local social-economic aspects. Meanwhile, an online hydrological and water quality monitoring network is integrated with the modelling system, so as to achieve daily-based watershed load management

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  • Manifestation organisée par LCH – Laboratoire de constructions hydrauliques
