Separable and Galois extensions in tensor triangulated categories


Event details

Date 15.09.2017
Hour 10:1511:30
Speaker Bregje Pauwels (Australian National University)
Category Conferences - Seminars

I will consider separable and Galois extensions of commutative monoids in tensor triangulated categories, and show how they pop up in various settings.  In stable homotopy theory, separable extensions of commutative S-algebras have been studied extensively by Rognes.
In modular representation theory, restriction to a subgroup can be thought of as extension along a separable monoid in the (stable or derived) module category. In algebraic geometry, separable monoids correspond to étale extensions of schemes, alowing us to define a generalized- étale site for any tensor triangulated category.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Kathryn Hess Bellwald

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